Olive Tree Study Support Terms & Conditions

Olive Tree Study Support Terms & Conditions

Please kindly take a moment to read our policies below.

Opening Hours: Olive Tree Study operates from 10 am to 2 pmon Saturdays and Sundays. The gates are open from 9:50 am to 10:05 am and from1:55 pm to 2:10 pm. We are closed only for the end-of-term holidays, includingwinter, Easter, and summer holidays.

Attendance & Punctuality: Please inform yourbranch if your child is unable to attend. Olive Tree Study has a right toterminate contracts if students have been absent for three consecutive weekendswithout any communication. Please ensure you arrive on time to avoiddisruptions. Any late students will have to wait until 10:20 am to becollected.

Communication: Save your branch's number for quickcommunication. We primarily use email and WhatsApp for communication, so pleasecheck our status updates as we may upload important information. If you wish tospeak to your child's teachers, please contact us to arrange a time duringbranch hours. Notify us if someone other than yourself will be picking up yourchild. It is your responsibility to update us on any changes in personaldetails. Please note that the phone and inbox will not be monitored during theweek. For urgent matters, contact Head Office during operational hours.

Medical: Please Inform us of any conditions orallergies that may affect your child. Provide any necessary medication with aclear medical care plan to a staff member. Please note that Olive Tree Studydoes not accept liability for emergencies arising due to allergic conditions.In case of an emergency when you cannot be contacted, we will provide yourchild with necessary emergency action. We have a strict NO NUT policy.

Classe365: We use this as our student learning platform. Youwill be able to view your child's results, assessments, and schemes of work.Guardians should receive a login upon enrolling. Contact us if you require anyassistance.

School-Parent Agreement: Ensure your child completeshomework and regularly practices at home. You are responsible for purchasingany required books for your child's learning.

Uniform: There is no specific uniform required atOlive Tree Study. However, please ensure your child is dressed appropriatelyfor classroom work and outdoor play. Only studs should be worn as jewellery. Weencourage guardians to provide headscarves and modest clothing for olderchildren.

Behavioural: Teach your child about good behaviourand respect towards the property, staff, and other students. Foul language andgraffiti on the property are strictly prohibited. Parents may be required topay for any damages caused by their child. Olive Tree Study reserves the rightto suspend attendance for persistent disruptive behaviour.

Property: Olive Tree Study does not hold anyliability for lost property so ensure that you check your child’s belongings atthe end of the day to avoid leaving items behind.

Referral: We offer 50% off your next month’ssubscription subject to the following:

● The referred person informs usof the student’s name and registered email address of who had referred them.

● The referred person hascompleted a full term accordingly. Upon receiving successful payments from thereferral, your account will be credited. If the monthly payment has alreadybeen charged, we will use the credit to deduct it from your future payment.There is no limit on referrals. This scheme is for a limited time only, wesuggest you check with a member of our team for the most up-to-date promotionwe are offering at the time.  

Unplanned Closures: In the event of Eid falling on aweekend during our operating term times, we will be closed on that day. Nocredits or refunds will be issued for that day. For any other unplannedclosures, refunds or credits will be applied.

Withdrawals: We process student withdrawals on atermly basis and all withdrawals are processed at the end of the term, you willbe required to give us four weeks' notice when you send your withdrawalrequest. As usual, withdrawal requests need to be sent in writing to -Headoffice@olivetreestudy.co.uk. If you decide to withdraw early, please beaware an early termination fee of £25 will apply.  

Fees: We use a payment system called Stripe that usesyour card details to charge your account. When enrolling, we do charge a £50registration fee. Please note that the holiday terms are included in our fees,which are shared at the beginning of the academic year or when you enrol.  

Failed Payments: We do not charge you via direct debit,instead the payment is taken via the bank card that was provided duringregistration. Your payment will not go through if your details have changed,your card is lost or stolen, or you have restricted automated payments. It isyour responsibility to update us with your card information and that youraccount has enough funds for your payment to be successful. Please check youremails regularly as we will contact you if there are any issues regarding yourpayment. Failed payments may be subject to an automatic £8 administrationcharge.  

Fee Structure: We collect the fees on a termly basis,instead of monthly payments. As a reminder, there will be a total of ninepayments collected throughout the year. All payments will only be collectedduring term times and there are no payments collected during December, July andAugust. Please note we have a standard 15p increase in fees every year inJanuary due to national inflation and to allow us to continue to run ourservices without any decline in quality insha'Allah. This is automaticallyadjusted to the fee information we send you therefore the fees in Januaryreflect this increase. If the full cost of the term is paid upfront then youwill be eligible for a discount. If you are interested in paying for the fullterm ahead, please get in touch with us for more details

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